Short scene documenting the pixelation of a human being. ...
The Berry Sisters (Play)
Play about the worst vaudeville act in history. Featured in U.S-Australian new play festival. Full-length Comedy. ...
Pure Life (Play)
Solo play - one-act. A college student decides to commit a summer to living the monastic "pure" life in, of all places, New Orleans. ...
Into The Light (Play)
The story of an Assiniboine Indian’s journey to meet the President of the United States. Produced by the Rough Theater (L.A.), the American ...
Ad Lib TV (Play)
A collection of sketches created for the Improv Kitchen – a restaurant featuring live interactive television. ...
The 57th Layer (Play)
The story of Enrico Fermi and the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. Presented as part of the City of Chicago’s Project Millennium. ...
The Ticket (Play)
Multimedia improvisational scenario presented by Studio Z and also the University of Georgia. ...
Le Bravure del Capitano Spavento (Translation)
Translation of the first ragionamento of Francesco Andreini's book “Le Bravure del Capitano Spavento” (1607). ...
Highway 57 Breakdown in three part harmony (Audio Play)
Busting out, breaking down, success, failure, positive thinking, and finding the right trailer hitch. An audio play that was part of the Third Coast ...
The Zanni Show (Play)
One-act Commedia show with two second Zanni. Presented at the University of Chicago as part of a lecture/demonstration. ...