The Masks of Antonio Fava - Northwestern University - Exhibit and digital project ...
Commedia dell’Arte (Lecture)
A Commedia dell'Arte lecture/demonstration for the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago (2009) ...
Commedia nel Mondo Digitale (Lecture)
Lecture that was part of the 25th anniversary celebration of Antonio Fava's school - SIAC (Scuola Internazionale dell'Attore Comico). ...
Commedia dell’Arte Instruction (Classes)
I have taught Commedia dell'Arte classes and workshops at Northwestern University and The Second City. ...
Le Bravure del Capitano Spavento (Translation)
Translation of the first ragionamento of Francesco Andreini's book “Le Bravure del Capitano Spavento” (1607). ...
The Zanni Show (Play)
One-act Commedia show with two second Zanni. Presented at the University of Chicago as part of a lecture/demonstration. ...
A Bravura for Capitano (Monologue)
A short monologue I wrote for Capitano Spavento in an Italian that proves he is a true phony. ...
The Life, Death and Resurrection of Pulcinella (Translation)
Translated Antonio Fava's masterwork on the history of Pulcinella – the mask that guaranteed the continuity of Commedia dell'Arte. ...